My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tired of poetry yet? I am a great skimmer of poems. First I skim, to see if I'm interested in the concept or the feeling, and if I think I might be, then I bother to read it, and usually at least twice. Zapruder caught me on almost every page, which is rare. Some of the poems are a little too random but others make complete sense in their randomness.
"Come On All You Ghosts," the last poem in the volume (and the title poem) is great, a must-read, a little bit of a tribute to the current reader of the poem.
Zapruder also writes about less serious things, like White Castle.
Here is a little clip from "Never Before"
"...Come home
those who love a librarian aspect. I am one,
for give her time and she will answer any question
no matter how spiral, no matter how glass,
so slow to judgment you can sit among her
like a reading room and read and think..."
And one from the poem called "Poem"
"...I admire
and fear you, to me you are an abyss
I cross towards you. Just look
directly into my face you said and I felt
everything stop trying to fit. And
the marching band took a deep collective
breath and plunged back into its song."
Really, any poet that can squeeze librarians and marching bands into poems deserves some attention!
I've added this to my to read list. Sadly, I'm falling behind in my reading now that the weather is nice and baseball is happening.