
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Reading Envy 076: Borderlands (Reading Goals 2017)

Jenny sits in a corner alone at the Reading Envy pub and reflects on the goals of 2016, establishes new goals for the new year, and finishes up a few book speed-dating projects.

Download or listen via this link: Reading Envy 076: Borderlands.

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Relevant links:
Original 2016 reading goals
Africa2016 reading report (this is where the top five are listed)

Goals for 2017:
  1. Read books from the borders, from people who are displaced or forced out, and maybe indigenous groups. 
  2. Host a Reading Envy readalong of East of Eden by John Steinbeck
  3. Read about mythology
  4. Actually read books from book subscriptions I have
  5. Explore indie/micro/small presses
Speed-Dating Round 5 of 2016

Wave by Sonya Deraniyagala
The Weight of Mercy: A Novice Pastor on the City Streets by Deb Richardson-Moore
Time and Again by Jack Finney
A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L'Engle
Agent Zigzag by Ben Macintyre 
Boston Noir: Stories edited by Dennis Lehane
Old Filth by Jane Gardam
Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler
My Sergei: A Love Story by Ekaterina Gordeeva
The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith

Speed-Dating Round 6 of 2016

Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood
A Short History of a Small Place by T.R. Pearson
Edible Stories: A Novel in Sixteen Parts by Mark Kurlansky
Bluebeard's Egg: Stories by Margaret Atwood
Skinned Alive: Stories by Edmund White
House Rules by Rachel Sontag
Devils in the Sugar Shop by Timothy Schaffert
Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich
The Reading Promise: My Father and the Books We Shared by Alice Ozma
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers

Stalk me online:

Jenny at Goodreads
Jenny on Twitter
Jenny is @readingenvy on Instagram and Litsy 


  1. I just finished listening to this episode and I am so excited to hear about the Steinbeck read along! I am not sure when you plan on reading, but I look forward to participating.

    1. I have started to think maybe April would be good, but I will talk about it again to make sure people are ready! I'm happy you will join in.

  2. I think the read along sounds great too. I've put Travels with Charlie in my TBR list based on your recommendation and my future plans to travel with my dog.

    Also want to thank you for the podcast. I've just found it this year and it's wonderful. Really helped with my reading goals to expand what I read. I've always read alot but wanted to read more diverse and frankly better quality literature. I also stalk you on goodreads :).

    and a shout out to the Southern gentleman guest a few episodes back. I loved the reading from the cookbook about kale slaw, with his accent it was wonderful. I've requested the book from my library but it just won't be the same :).
    -Mary (can't figure out how to just have my first name above so I had to pick anonymous)

    1. Thank you Mary! Not sure you'll ever see this but if so please send me an email (in the FAQ) so I can include you in planning for the readalong.

  3. Hee hee, another fan of Jason I see.

    I just wanted to let you know that it is OK if Jane Gardam isn't your cup of tea. Maybe she is an author you can try again in 10 years.

    1. So you are saying I'm too young for her? I can see it. ;)
      So far both people who I thought loved Gardam have told me not to keep reading so I'm going to pitch it after all!

  4. I am excited for the read-along, too! I've never read Steinbeck, so this will be a great opportunity. Everything is so much better when done with friends! Looking forward to more info about it.

    1. Wonderful! On the next episode I'll have a link to a survey to help determine timing and to start assembling a list of interested readers.


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