
Monday, March 18, 2013

Recommended Solutions for Google Reader

(xposted to

Hey you, blog reader.  Do you access this blog through Google Reader?  If so, you should know that it will be shut down on July 1, 2013.  Happy birthday to me!  I use Google Reader as my blog and tumblr manager, and follow hundreds, maybe thousands of baking, reading, library, art, and music blogs.  At first I was grumpy, but I got some great ideas from friends and colleagues about what to do.  I have culled the suggestions into three solid replacement ideas for the RSS reader's functionality, and pass them along to you now.  Feel free to share the love.

Free but not free, but my friend Jeff who has been using it thinks paying is worth it. 
He also says: "You can export your subscriptions into an opml file (from Reader) and then import them into Newsblur. It's not free for a premium account, but I don't mind paying for software when I think it's useful and will stick around."


A "social dashboard."
From the person who replaced me at DePauw: "I've been using Netvibes for years to aggregate RSS feeds into useful tabbed pages. It's easy to follow and keep up with. You can also create public pages of your own design. If you use that to subscribe to your own social media, you can create a centralized portal for others to see what you're sharing, everywhere. Also has a built-in play for podcast audio."

The Old Reader
It looks just like Google Reader before the last update or two.  Currently in beta, but vetted by my friend Jon in Virginia and a LifeHacker post (thanks Robyn!). 

There are several graphic-heavy apps or platform-specific apps, but I want something I can get to from everywhere, so I haven't bothered.

I hope this list is useful!  You have until July 1 to find a solution. 


  1. The biggest issue I have with Old Reader is no mobile app.

    They say they are going to work on one, but how good will it be in less than 4 months of development? Not to mention it reads like their promise to get a mobile app has been up for awhile already.

    That netvibes sight doesn't seem to want to actual show me what it looks like. Maybe I'm just being impatient.

    But they seem more determined to sell me their product before SHOWING me their product.

    The biggest problem I have with most of the others alternatives you haven't listed is that they are way too LOUD.

    I like the simplicity of google reader and my ability to keep things synced between 4 devices (2pcs, phone, tablet) that I use regularly.

    I think right now I'm leaning towards Newsblur, but I need to play around with it more. I have no issues paying $4/month if it's reliable.

    I tried feedly (, but it's just too different. I found myself getting frustrated.

    1. I'm holding out for the things currently in development. I'll decide in June. I don't want loud or flashy, I want functional and mobile-friendly and syncing. It shouldn't be so hard, tech universe!

  2. I'm going to try The Old Reader. Yes, a funny name can grab me. And trying it out will be interesting. Thanks for the tips!

  3. I'm hoping The Old Reader will work out. The others all seem like they want to be much more than what I need. But I have to wait for them to finally make it through their import backlog before I can really try it out.

  4. Thanks for the recommendations. I'm playing with NetVibes

  5. none of these worked for me on my Nook Color: either no app, or way too small to read, or no sharing ability. Bloglovin did not allow me to share from my Nook Color. Could not use Feedly there, tried a bunch of others. The Old Reader way too small to read on my Nook.
    My favorite is Taptu: no need to install, great interface and sync between my Nook Color (free app) and my PC. see here why I love it:


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