
Friday, June 15, 2012


I'm hosting my very first readathon from midnight tonight through midnight tomorrow night, or however long people want to read for.  It is for the Around the World in 52 Books group in GoodReads.  We have almost made it halfway through the year, and many of us have been bemoaning falling behind.  Oh a whim, I created a readathon so that people could find solidarity in a catchup day.  There will be snacks.  There will be libations.  There will be pajamas.  And we will all read something from our list from the comfort of our own homes, and chatter about it.

Some of us will be chattering in Twitter using #52athon to identify us as a group.  I like Twitter for such things because it is easier to post a quick update than commenting on a forum or writing a blog post.  As always, you can follow me in Twitter, @ReadingEnvy.  

Hey, don't feel like you have to belong to our group to hang out and read with us.  Surely you can find a book set somewhere in the world.

Personally, I'm not sure how much of the day I'll spend reading, but I know what book I'll start with.  I'm on a little bit of an Australian kick, having already made it halfway through an ARC of The Light Between Oceans.  I also downloaded the Kindle Daily Deal the other day, Cocaine Blues, which features a lady detective in Melbourne.  Who doesn't love Australians?

I don't have a plan beyond that, so I expect to just follow my whims.  I may not use tomorrow to finish my North Korean selection, as I feel like a readathon is all about accomplishment and it is a slower read. I guess we'll see!  This is one of my favorite things about reading in community.


  1. Have fun. I checked out the group on goodreads. I wonder if I could do 26 weeks and start July 1st? hmmmm

    1. Oh absolutely. We have a strict rule that everyone gets to make up their own rules. Please come join us!


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