
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Reading Envy - To-Read Pile Edition

I am picturing the book I am envying other people reading right now.  I don't typically buy books when they are brand new, but since joining a few online book clubs and joining in on podcasts where people are always talking about new releases gives me major reading envy!

I already used my Audible credits downloading Ready Player One and The Night Circus, which I just finished a half hour ago (and was really great!). I'm not sure I'd tackle a Neal Stephenson book in audio format, although I hear Reamde is pretty accessible (in other words: not anything like The Baroque Cycle).

Still. I have books sitting around that are from the new books section at the public library (meaning I only had two weeks to start with), on loan from other libraries through interlibrary loan (and with short checkout periods, no renewals allowed), or books I need to read before I have a discussion.

Here is what is on my "must return to the library soon" pile:

 I won't even get into the to-read piles around my house.  Clearly I have plenty to read and do NOT need to buy Reamde.  What are you envying?

1 comment:

  1. I love Adichie - I have read Half of a Yellow Sun and Purple Hibiscus but not any of her short stories.

    I'm jealous of your reading pile! :P


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