
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Review: A Golden Age

A Golden Age A Golden Age by Tahmima Anam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In my multi-year quest of reading a book from every country, I still had not checked off Bangladesh. I've had this book since I found it on paperbackswap in 2012, so it's been on my shelf for a while too.

The novel starts on the eve of war for Bangladesh's independence in 1971 (instigated by genocide against Bengali by West Pakistan, which is puzzling looking at geography but not so puzzling if you know about Partition.) A widow, Rehana, is the central character, suddenly having to navigate revolutionary children, a sudden turn against Bengali nationalism, and an opportunistic brother in law.

Apparently this is the first of a trilogy about Bangladesh, so I'm definitely interested in the other two books.

View all my reviews

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