
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Review: Library of Small Catastrophes

Library of Small Catastrophes Library of Small Catastrophes by Alison C. Rollins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A librarian and a poet! I was drawn in to these poems and the way they address the body, with some library and archival references, I mean can you blame me? I probably read each poem three times because they are nuanced and I couldn't always get it the first time (but they are not inaccessible, just well crafted.)

Self-Portrait of Librarian with T.S. Eliot's Papers
"...Write a poem after me
before I’m gone, and please do not include rest in peace,
only those that are forgotten go undisturbed."

Library of Small Catastrophes
"...I've learned the science of classifying...
Dear Dewey Decimal System, How will I organize all the bodies?...."

For You
"...You manipulated my love handles in the dark...."

original [sin] (audio also available)

Thanks to the publisher for providing early access to this title via Edelweiss. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. This comes out 23 April 2019, so it can be your late-in-poetry-month purchase.

View all my reviews

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