
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Review: Salt Houses

Salt Houses Salt Houses by Hala Alyan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this novel. It takes a Palestinian family and follows different members throughout periods of conflict, chaos, and opportunity. It starts in the early 1960s and follows through the present day. It asks questions about home, family, belonging, and identity. Despite events often being dictated by war and early characters being forced into becoming refugees, the focus is much more domestic. The characters are worried about their relationships, their toys, their classes. I really appreciated the juxtaposition because so often characters in novels where war is present can only talk to each other about the war. There are tiny details that come back around and have a great impact. I will be nominating this for my book club for next year!

Thanks to the publisher for providing access through NetGalley.
Published 2 May 2017.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this book review. I've been wanting to read this, but was hesitant with the war theme. I'm so glad to know it has more to offer!


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