
Friday, January 20, 2017

Celebrating Three Years of the Reading Envy Podcast

This turned into a long happy post about three great years. If you have been a guest or a listener, I appreciate you! It's a love fest. Now tell me about the books you've read recently, and I'll have what you're reading. 

On the 20th of January, 2014, the first episode of the Reading Envy Podcast posted. Scott Danielson, originating co-host, chatted with me, Jenny, about books. You can relive that moment by listening to Episode 001.

Something you may not know - there was another first episode that we recorded to see how things would work, and never posted it. It's buried deep on the cutting room floor.

On Episode 001, Scott discussed a short story from Her Smoke Rose Up Forever, a collection of stories by James Tiptree, Jr. That book has followed a thread through the podcast. On Episode 002, I discussed the entire collection, which I had just finished. A year and a half later, on Episode 032, Luke Burrage and I discussed the collection story by story for a crossover episode with the Science Fiction Book Review Podcast.

I love when one guest inspires another guest to read a book based on hearing about it on the podcast! What else could reading envy even be?

For most of that first year, episodes posted once a month. At first, there were three people on each episode and each person discussed three books. This made the episodes too long! The magical formula these days is six books per episode, either two each for three people or three each for two.

The first book club episode I recorded was in 2014, with Josh Lawrence and terpkristin. Our discussion on Episode 013 focused on what it is like to be part of the Sword and Laser book club. Not too long after, Karen and Jean talked on Episode 015 about the League of Extraordinary Dorks book club.

By the end of 2014, the Reading Envy Podcast had hit 19 episodes, after a switch to two episodes a month in the middle of the year.

2015 kicked off with my first author interview episode, Episode 021 with Darin Bradley. I was so nervous! But I liked how it went, and that year would also see interviews with Joni Tevis (Episode 029), Ann VanderMeer (Episode 036), Monica Byrne (Episode 038), and Nathan Ballingrud (Episode 041.) I haven't done any author interviews since, but not for lack of trying!

2015 also saw one more book club episode, with Marco and Averi from the Misfit Readers on Episode 023. I also interviewed a bunch of librarians at conferences this year - Episode 029 found me approaching a bunch of librarians I didn't know at a conference in Portland, and Episode 043 recorded 100 librarians talking about books for the 100th anniversary of the South Carolina Library Association. I have gone back to the librarian episodes and read many books mentioned in those episodes; they are great for building up your tbr list!

This past year, most of the episodes have been me and one guest, with the exception of one more book club episode with Holly and Caroline from the International Center of the Upstate (Episode 049) and when Scott and Phillip were both guests on the same episode based on Philip's request (Episode 052.)

2016 also saw the return of a hearty handful of great guests, who I hope will keep coming back. I'm happy to pick up new guests too, and I am looking forward to 2017. If you are interested in appearing on the podcast please view the FAQ .


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