
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Be on the podcast: tell me the best book you read in 2016!

I am currently working toward a Best of 2016 Reading Envy Podcast episode that will post on December 20, and I need your help!

I am asking for submissions for the best book you read in 2016.  Your best read from 2016 does not have to have been published this year, just something you read since January 1.

To be included in the end of the year podcast, please do one of the following by the 16th of December at 11:59 pm EST.

1. Submit an audio file that includes:
-Your name
-Your location (if you desire)
-Your best read from 2016 and anything you'd like to say about it

2. Schedule a time with me to have me record you in Skype, maybe you don't have a way to create your own audio file?

3. Email me or tweet me what you want me to read out on the podcast on your behalf.

Contact info:
email: readingenvy [at] gmail
Twitter: @readingenvy

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