
Friday, November 1, 2013

Kickoff Post for NaNoREADMo

In the past seven years, I have participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) six times.  Six times!  It's a rush, I've met great people through it, but eventually I had to just come to terms with the fact that I'm a far better reader than writer.  I was starting to not really have fun doing it.

And yet I have a room full of unread books.  Before they take over the house, I have turned them into a challenge.  Join me.  Read mo(re)!  National Novel Reading Month has been declared by yours truly! 

How to participate:

1. Read. More than usual. 
2. Talk, blog, or tweet about it.  Write reviews or save them for after the month. Take pictures of your piles, if you want. I know I will.
3. Make lists of what you might read, even if you don't stick to them.  (Sorry, this is a requirement.  I like lists and therefore I require that you make one. Muahaha.)
4. Comment on this post so I can follow what you're up to.  Friend me on GoodReadsFollow me on Twitter.  Whatever it takes.  I'm now your reading cheerleader, and I'm bringing snacks!

That's about it.  Read more.  Dedicate time to it. Plan for it. And get through a pile or two!

(Stay tuned for my reading list for NaNoReadMo!)


  1. Replies
    1. I am writing a blog post about it! I will show you soon!

  2. Replies
    1. So exciting! I didn't read anything on day 1 so full speed ahead!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love it. I started Atwood's MaddAddam this morning.

  5. Love it. I started Atwood's MaddAddam this morning.

    1. Oh great! I enjoyed that one, and I hope you do too!

  6. I'm in too! I've done Nanowrimo so many times but had to bow out last year. My own writing's become a little stagnant. Reading on the other hand? :)

    I'm working on my list today and should be able to publish a post about it next week.

  7. I'm in too! (I wrote a whole comment but it disappeared) Making my list now to go in a blog post early next week.

  8. Wonderful, I'm looking forward to it!

  9. Ok, blog might have eaten this first time. I'm in. There's no way I can do NaNoWriMo this year, and doing this will help me catch up on my goals for the year that got scuttled by job hunting and moving in spring or summer. Any reading I do while not commuting is extra, so that will be a plus--I can work on the books I have that are not audio!


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