Today I focused on the novella category. In my opinion, I think Catherynne Valente should take home the award for Silently and Very Fast. After this brief review, I'll rank the remaining nominated novellas.
#1 -

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"Inside, Neva is infinite. She peoples her Interior."
This is a line from the last few pages of Silently and Very Fast, and to me describes Catherynne Valente's inner creative world, the world that she is somehow able to communicate to the rest of us through lush language and quirky-beautiful settings and characters. I deliberately read this Hugo-nominated novella last because I always expect to enjoy the worlds she creates, and I guess I'm just a delayed gratification girl.
I loved the incorporation of technology and programming language and to still have that Valente identity. I just can't help responding out loud when I read her words - gasps of delight, laughter, sighs... it is actually a tiny bit embarrassing.
If you are more of an audiophile, Kate Baker recorded this in three podcast segments for Clarkesworld Magazine. I enjoy Valente in audio more than other authors, and Kate's voice does a great justice to the language in the story. Even reading the print, I find myself slowing down to get all the imagery set in my head.
#2 - Countdown by Mira Grant - a prequel to the Newsflesh trilogy, and told in an interesting way.
#3 - The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary by Ken Liu - interesting historically but I'm not sure it completely succeeded in its storytelling.
#4 - Kiss Me Twice by Mary Robinette Kowal - Police with AI partners.
#5 - The Man Who Bridged the Mist by Kij Johnson - I had a hard time finishing this one, and she's usually a favorite.