By default, I'm not much of an audio book person. I get distracted easily and realize I haven't been paying attention for the last five minutes, and it isn't always easy to go back! After trying several different genres, I have found that one genre that really works for me in audio form is detective novels - hard boiled, or fantasy.
Now, now, let me explain. I know you didn't expect to see the word fantasy in there, but I don't have a better way of explaining The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, that tell the story of Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, the only wizard private investigator I've ever heard of. Add to that an excellent reading by James Marsters (ahem, Spike from Buffy), and I actually found myself carrying my iPad around with me in the mornings so I could listen to Storm Front (Dresden Files #1) on my Audible app while getting ready.
Even better than the Butcher was a book I downloaded through Overdrive, which one of my local public libraries gives their users access to. Elliott Gould played Detective Phillip Marlowe in The Long Goodbye, but also reads The Big Sleep in the audio book. His voice is perfect for the dry sarcasm and overly detailed descriptions of each female character's legs. This is prose that is best heard, not just read. Short sentences, constant analogies, just so great in audio form.
The Long Goodbye is my favorite book. And the movie, though a severe departure from the book is great as well. I can't listen to books, though...